Friday, December 13, 2013

Steven Lester 12/12/13

All around, knowledge as light spills down
Warm ember of Heaven a comforting blanket found
That King and Father merged to violently the darkness purge
Revealing glorious inconsistency, that Grace sovereignly snatched me

All creatures and roles and fates, measured and squared within Heaven's gates
Rise and fall, kingdoms tall and cultures small, the ordering omniscient seals all.
Freedom slave to his aim, yet will exposed to no abuse, trespass or shame.
A sentence new and all the way through until my end carefully punctuated with Holy pen.

Paternal providence not unrelated chance fuels life with song and dance
Goodness fixed in orbit seen, unfolds herself like leaves of green
Observations collide with anticipations leaving foundations for building nations
Alas, atop the glassy sea, my Father's careful caress of me, through gentle hands of sovereignty.

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